Functional Medicine holistically focuses on the body’s systems and seeks to address the root cause of dysfunction by way of:
  • Genetics testing
  • Stool testing
  • Hormone Panels
  • and more...

functional medicine


HBOT uses the power of concentrated oxygen under pressure to saturate the cells and
tissues with oxygen to prompt accelerated healing. HBOT is shown to improve chronic
inflammation and pain, chronic fatigue, cognition, GI function and biome balance,
immune system, infections, organ function, detoxification, recovery and performance.

hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)

Involves treatment of the musculoskeletal system, manual therapy, muscle testing and nutritional consultation and evaluation.

Applied Kinesiology is a complementary system Dr. Erika Way uses to evaluate structural, chemical, and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing combined with other standard methods of diagnosis.

chiropractic, Applied Kinesiology

quantum neural reset therapy (QNRT)

A subconscious protocol designed to initiate a quantum shift in the nervous system by resetting the brain's response to emotional triggers for both past and present emotional trauma and stress.

Dr. Erika Way specializes in helping people understand the physical and emotional impact of the stress response, as well as identify specific stress response triggers and life events by assessing a person's neurology.

neuralcheck / braintap

Through evaluating the communication between our heart, brain and nervous system, the NeuralCheck Heart Rate Variability Scan shows us how well our body is adapting to stress and if we are prematurely aging our brains with habits and behaviors.

BrainTap gives us a solution to changing these habits and the energy to nourish the brain! Through audiovisual stimuli the BrainTap headset helps increase neuroplasticity and encourages deep sleep, clear focus, calm mind, optimism, creativity, enhanced problem-solving abilities, and more!


The Harmonic Egg® is built with sacred geometry, light, color, and sound technology to surround the client in a customized immersive Egg-sperience. Sound and light resonance is contained and amplified to hold the listener in a place of deep calm and rest to create physical and emotional shifts in consciousness.